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MDSDF Meeting Information

Next Meeting is Sunday, November 17, 2024. 7PM on Zoom.


Carol Eyre, President

Jackie Boggs, Vice-President

Susan Martin, Treasurer

Darlene Mueller, Recording Secretary

Laura Vykol, Corresponding Secretary

Cheryl Rakes, Past President


Kathy Zottmann

2025 Festival Co-Directors

Ellen Linsenbardt and Jackie Boggs

Emeritus Honorary Board Member: Norva Pope

Managing Documents

Election Cycles

Officers: Officers are elected in even numbered years and serve 2-year terms. Nominations are made at the March Delegates meeting. Elections are held at the May Delegates meeting. Terms start September 1 and end August 31 two years later.

Board Members: Board Members serve 3-year terms. Two individuals are elected every year so that there is annual rotation of Board Members. 

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